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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Small Data Going Big in 2021 and Other Tipping Points to Watch

It's been quite a year, with many tipping points triggered by COVID-19. Here are three trends that tipped over and will grow rapidly in 2021.

2021: A Tale of Three Networks

As we move into 2021, we will see increased integration of neural networks into software that runs our lives, enabling greater capabilities in spatial and sequential learning and making it tougher to differentiate between what is real and what is fake.

Trends Data Analytics Professionals Should Pay Attention To In 2021

Predictions for AI and ML trends in data access, understanding new data, and executing information based on the data.

Data Digest: Remote Collaboration, Data Science Practice, and ML in Email

Working with remote data scientists, practice projects to hone your skills, and how machine learning detects spam.

Don’t Forget the Back End of the Machine Learning Process

Not planning for putting models into production can lead to project failure or increase the amount of time needed to deploy a model.

Why Structured and Unstructured Data Need Different Security Techniques

Data is data is data, right? Not so fast. As Scott Lucas, head of marketing at Concentric, points out, enterprises need more than a one-size-fits-all approach to data security.

Data Digest: Risk Trends, Data Governance Processes, AI and Risk

How the pandemic affects risk trends, current challenges to enterprise governance, and using AI for risk management.

Big Data Drools Over Wearable Sensor Potential

IoT on your wrist offers a wide range of possible benefits but privacy concerns and ethical uses need to be addressed.

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