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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Preventing Threats, Protecting Models, and Regulation Risks

How machine learning can improve cybersecurity, new techniques to protect models from attack, and why regulation confusion could create openings for hackers.

CEO Perspective: The Challenges and Benefits of AI

What lies ahead for BI and analytics and how can AI help? Anodot's David Drai shares his outlook on the role AI will play in your future enterprise strategy.

CEO Perspective: The Move to Smart Data Discovery

Identifying relationships within your data can give you the insights you need to improve decision making and enable regulatory compliance. Io-Tahoe’s CEO, Oksana Sokolovsky, explains why.

Data Digest: Applications for Retail, Utilities, and Manufacturing

The use of data science, predictive analytics, and machine learning is growing across industries.

Data Digest: Model Accuracy and Energy Use

Why the accuracy of data and machine learning models might be in the eye of the beholder and the carbon costs of AI model training.

Data Digest: Automation in Data Science and Machine Learning

How automation is helping data scientists, how users can understand automated machine learning, and how growth in machine learning and AI is changing business.

Data Digest: Supporting Security, Detecting Fraud, and Promoting Competition

When AI is used for security, how advanced analytics detects fraud, and why data sharing could promote competition.

Data Digest: Predictive Analytics and Big Data in Education, Marketing, and Healthcare

Benefits and challenges to applying big data and predictive analytics across multiple industries.

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