Read examples of how GIS data can improve your customer analytics, how self-service visualization tools are creating a culture engaged with data, and why enterprise BI leaders believe in the value of self-service data analysis.
- By Quint Turner
- May 5, 2016
IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and other traditional DI powers are no longer leading the integration-platform-as-a-service pack. Instead, they're working feverishly on HIP for the interconnected environments of the future.
- By Steve Swoyer
- May 5, 2016
Explore New York Public Library documents or create an 18th-century wig.
- By Lindsay Stares
- May 4, 2016
Learn the pros and cons of big data analytics techniques, how many enterprises think big data helps with data security, and the basics of streaming analytics.
- By Quint Turner
- May 4, 2016
If you are launching Hadoop in your enterprise, you'll want to get the most out of its rich data. Users across the enterprise have important roles to play in your eventual Hadoop user community.
Even after 10 years, Hadoop technologies are still expanding, and I believe that we will soon see progress in two key areas that will improve stability and flexibility.
- By David Stodder
- May 2, 2016
Getting important information from a simple email involves more potential obstacles than you might imagine.
- By Bill Inmon
- April 29, 2016
Easy insights from big data and unstructured data, plus why using big data to evaluate a workforce will likely backfire.
- By Quint Turner
- April 29, 2016