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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Why the Customer Journey Matters More Than Ever

The customer journey really is coming back, argues industry luminary Jill Dyché, chiefly because competition for customers in the digital marketplace is insanely competitive.

12 Real-World Solutions for IoT Analytics

Our interviews with a dozen vendors that have a strategic focus on the Internet of Things and the analytics products to support it reveal that IoT analytics is more than a passing fad or the latest buzzword

Advanced Analytics: Believe the Hype

By 2018, Gartner projects that advanced analytics will underpin the competitive efforts of more than half of all large organizations.

Drill-Down, Interactivity Come to PowerBI on iOS, Windows Mobile

Users of Microsoft Corp.'s PowerBI visual discovery software can breathe a deep sigh of relief. At long last, they'll be able to view reports on their mobile devices.

The Best Job in America: Data Scientist

Glassdoor recently released their review of the 25 best jobs for 2016. At the top of the list is the vaunted data scientist. What does it take to be a successful data scientist?

AlphaGo, Artificial Intelligence, and a Machine-Learning Renaissance

A recent AlphaGo victory is being touted as a Big Win for artificial intelligence (AI). It's a no less important win for machine learning, which might be in the midst of a renaissance.

Data Digest: Visualization Advice, Revamping Your BI Strategy (A Personal Tale)

Tips for making the most effective visualizations, plus the personal story of an IT strategist who made his enterprise's BI process useful.

Agile Alternatives for a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment

The appeal of the agile technology alternatives goes beyond the potential for improved performance. They all represent approaches to augmenting the data warehouse environment in ways that reduce restrictions.

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