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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: AI and ML Basics and Advances

Understanding artificial intelligence and machine learning, the latest advances in AI, and new uses for AI in healthcare.

Executive Q&A: Applications of AI and Computer Vision in Retail

Computer vision takes sensor analytics a step further using AI. Rohan Sanil, CEO and co-founder of Deep North, an intelligent video analytics company, explains.

Data Stories: Impact, Treatment, and Ongoing Deaths

A unique way to visually illustrate the scope of the pandemic, a visualization about current COVID-19 treatments, and an illustration of the current impact in Australia.

Data Digest: Machine Learning Hype, Supervised ML, Hybrid Architectures

Understanding the actual uses of machine learning, the purpose of supervised ML, and the reasons why some ML workloads might run better on premises.

Executive Q&A: New Survey Reinforces the Importance of Data Science and AI/ML

The results of a new study by Domino Data Lab confirm the importance of data science and advanced analytics to modern enterprises. The company’s head of data science strategy and evangelism, Kjell Carlsson, drills down on the survey results.

Data Digest: CDOs, CXOs, and Data Leadership

How the CDO role is changing, trends for leaders to watch, and next steps toward data-driven practices.

Data Stories: Supercomputers, Internet Stats, Open Source

Check out these data visualizations to learn more about supercomputing power, internet speed, and activity on open source projects.

Data Digest: Anti-Trust and Data Privacy Regulations

Read these articles to learn more about possible legislation to limit the power of big tech companies, increase data sovereignty, and regulate data privacy.

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