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How Dashboards Have Grown Up

Visual reports are no longer sufficient. Today’s dashboards must deal with big data and short response times.

Four More Advances in Predictive Analytics

The technology and the practices around predictive analytics are also evolving. Here are four ways predictive analytics is changing.

Using Geospatial Data in New Novel Ways

Geospatial data might not be new, but how companies expect to use it -- for example, by tapping geospatial to enrich sales and marketing, risk analysis, and other practices -- certainly is.

4 Reasons to Use Big Data in the Cloud

Two of the biggest buzzwords of the last year: big data and cloud computing. Learn why you should be putting these technologies to work in your environment.

Evolving Your Developers into Next-Generation Big Data Experts

How should organizations go about staffing up for big data?

4 Steps to Building an Ethical Big Data Practice

Big data programs must be implemented with the ethics of privacy in mind. The blueprint isn't complete, but here are four steps you can take today to help your business move in the right direction.

Pervasive Prediction: Waiting is the Hardest Part

A proponent of predictive analytics argues that we're on the cusp of an age of pervasive prediction.

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