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 See the most recent articles below.

Everything They Ever Wanted to Know About YOU

The recent revelations about the NSA's data collection highlight privacy issues, which enterprises also face as they build a more complete view of their customers.

HP Unveils Big Data Analytics Platform

Big data solutions deliver deeper insight for better outcomes.

Vertical vs. Horizontal Data Scientists

Why horizontal data scientists are the true money makers and ROI generators among analytic professionals.

IBM Unveils Cloud-based Social Media Analytics Solution

Cloud solution gives marketers deeper insights into consumer sentiments in social media.

3 Best Practices for Marketing Your IT Department to BI Users (Part 2 of 2)

A united effort to implement basic marketing concepts in-house will earn your IT team a reputation as experts, servants, and leaders.

Q&A: The Next Big Step in Healthcare: Turning Data into Information (Part 1 of 2)

Healthcare providers are collecting and storing volumes of data about patients, but now what? The challenging next step in healthcare BI, says Dr. Kevin Dawson, is turning that data into actionable information.

Big Data and Meaningful Storage Metrics

Big data has the potential to alter the calculus by which data management groups buy, manage, and structure information storage.

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