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Starting the BPM Process: 10 Best Practices

A 10-point guide to getting started with business process management.

MapReduce, Parallel Processing, and Pipelining: A Tech Primer

Over the last five years, many DBMS vendors have introduced native or in-database implementations of MapReduce, a popular parallel programming model for distributed computing. One key difference is that MapReduce in the data management world tends to speak a very different programming language. There are plenty of other differences, too.

The Case for Big Data Analytics – And the Infrastructure to Support It

Big data analytics -- and its seemingly enormous infrastructure requirements -- hits an IBM System z sweet spot.

Q&A: Disruptive Trends and Technologies Shaping Our Data Use

Major disruptive factors reshaping how we view and use data include the volume, variety, and velocity of big data, along with social computing, more pervasive BI, and advanced analytics, says Vitria CTO Dale Skeen.

Inside Facebook’s Relational Platform

At TDWI's World Conference in Chicago, Ken Rudin, director of analytics for Facebook, surprised many attendees when he revealed that Facebook has built itself a conventional data warehouse.

What's Really Different about Big Data Analytics?

We explore several fundamental changes driven by big data analytics.

Operational Intelligence: Footloose and Schema-free

Because big data is fast-paced and unpredictable, operational intelligence outstrips the capabilities of traditional BI or DW tools, argues Vitria CTO Dale Skeen.

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