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BI Heads to the Cloud

Enterprise apps are shifting to the cloud, officials say. So, too, is JasperSoft.

Global IDs Introduces New Data Governance Appliance

"Out-of-the-box" data governance solution for SMBs.

QlikTech Shares Future Product Plans

Cindi Howson examines what's ahead for this fast-growing vendor.

5 Tips for Cleaning Your Dirty Data

With spring upon us, it's time diving into "spring cleaning" your data by following these top 5 tips for leveraging the value of your dirty data.

Data Quality: Customers Satisfied with Products but Most Willing to Switch

Customers seem pleased with their data quality tools -- until they're asked to put their money where their mouth is.

Trend Lines: Kognitio Recalibrates

Kognitio spent the last half-decade trying to break into the U.S. market. Now, officials claim, the market is coming to Kognitio.

Lavastorm’s Free Software Tool Delivers Agile Analytics to Business Analysts, Data Gurus

Lavastorm Desktop Public Edition makes discovery-driven, audit analytic capabilities available to analysts and business users alike.

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