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Coming to Terms with Mainframe Data Access

Sooner or later, data warehousing pros will have to come to terms with the remarkable staying power of the mainframe.

Question and Answer: Using Analytic Business Intelligence to Drive Sales

The former head of Siebel's sales analytics team explains how companies can forecast sales much more accurately using effective analytics.

Exadata v2 Raises Questions about Data Warehouse Market

IBM's rumored announcement of an "Exadata Killer" turned attention to Oracle's latest powerhouse. Why is there a surprising paucity of on-the-record information about what enterprises are using Exadata and how they're using it?

Netezza Turns a Corner

If the mantra of business today is "faster, better, cheaper," then it's inevitable that companies need to explore alternatives to traditional enterprise software.

Question and Answer: In memory Databases Promise Faster Results

Recent technology advances are making in-memory databases more affordable, faster, and generally more feasible for a range of businesses. Kognitio's CEO explains the technology and how it is changing.

Analytic Database Players Keep Things Interesting

Vendors competing in the fractious analytic database segment sure know how to keep things interesting

Corda Technologies Sticks with Dashboards

Corda Technologies likes to position itself first, foremost, and entirely as a "dashboards" vendor

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