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TDWI Radio News: Oco’s Suite Built From Scratch

Oco offers yet another alternative for business intelligence technology.

Microsoft Touts Performance Point Next Gen SQLServer at Inaugural Business Intelligence Fete

It’s official: Microsoft has arrived as a BI and PM power.

The Mainframe: Reports of Its Demise Are Premature

Mainframes are back; well, they never really went away.

Beyond Reporting: InetSoft Thinks Bigger

iSuite boasts canned connectivity into heterogeneous data sources, which lets it support right-time reporting and analysis requirements.

Analysis: HP Unveils NeoView

What makes HP think it can succeed where so many other vendors haven’t? A unique mix of software, services, and fault-tolerant servers, for starters.

Consolidation Continues: TIBCO Nabs Spotfire

Does TIBCO’s acquisition of visualization specialist Spotfire Inc. portend a coming round of consolidations in the data viz space?

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