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All Articles

 See the most recent articles below.

Q&A: Considering Analytics in the Cloud

Teradata's director of cloud strategy and deployment discusses some of the benefits -- and issues to consider -- around analytics in the cloud.

Q&A: Untangling the Potential in the Internet of Things

Dell's general manager for advanced analytics explains some of the many uses and tremendous benefits he sees ahead for the IoT.

3 Tips for Introducing BI to Newbies

How "forgotten" verticals can join the BI revolution.

Where Their World Begins to Change

The most appreciated BI teams don't just start turning things upside down. They prepare their customers for the efficiency and transparency that are about to change their world.

Data Digest: Tacking Bad Data, Smart Algorithms for Prescriptive Analytics, and Achieving a Better BI ROI

Articles offer tips for reducing data clean-up time, how bad algorithms lead to "bad" data, and how to improve your ROI on BI.

Data Digest: Big Data Governance, Data Industry Forecast, and Sorting out Data Breaches

Articles today focus on a holistic approach to big data governance, 16 predictions for what the enterprise data landscape will look like in 2016, and a post-breach checklist.

Data Digest: Backup in the Cloud, The Future of Data Storage, and Compliance and IoT

Recovering data from the cloud, plus what will data storage look like in 2016 and data compliance in the IoT age.

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