What are the common misperceptions about unstructured data are explored, and how can this data be exploited for game-changing insights?
- By James E. Powell
- 1.24.2012
Anytime, anywhere access to applications and data is what mobile computing is all about. We explain how the technology can harness the value of time.
Success with enterprise business goals demands strategies for enterprise data.
- By Philip Russom, Ph.D.
- 1.24.2012
There’s no doubt that customers will continue their migration from in-house BI to BI in the cloud. We explore best practices for cloud BI and the limitations this technology imposes.
From in-memory to visual discovery, big data to mobile and cloud BI -- and more -- what's ahead for BI professionals in 2012.
In 2012, all of IT -- from developers to C-level IT executives and IT operations teams -- will start thinking differently about NoSQL.
In this two-part interview, well-known BI analyst and TDWI faculty member Cindi Howson discusses some of the top innovations affecting business intelligence, in keeping with her annual "Cool BI" list of business intelligent innovations.
- By Linda L. Briggs
- 1.17.2012