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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Evolution of Data Governance with Eric Falthzik

Eric Falthzik, strategy principal director with Accenture, discusses the evolution of data governance -- including the role of data stewards, how to govern new implementations, and the role of generative AI.

Data Digest: Managing and Leveraging Modern Data

Creating data-driven strategies, managing metadata, and managing unstructured data with graph databases.

The Human Factor in AI with Tamilla Triantoro

Tamilla Triantoro, associate professor of business analytics and information systems at Quinnipiac University, discusses the human factor in artificial intelligence.

Data Stories: Mapping Scale and Conveying Size

A good data visualization must be able to convey the scale of its subject to the audience. Check out these examples that compare maps, print out a river, and illustrate the size of the universe.

To Address Security Data Challenges, Decouple Your Data

With so much data and so many security tools, it’s no wonder that organizations are turning to decentralizing their data in their SIEM solutions.

Data Digest: Data Science and AI Training

Tips for training in data science, the importance of AI skills for businesses, and training employees in new skills.

Training for Data Literacy with David Tam

David Tam, data and analytics business partner with HSB Canada, explains his team’s journey with data literacy training.

Three Best Practices for Optimizing the Benefits of Your Modern Data Stack

Here are three ways your enterprise can get the most from your data stack.

Harnessing the Power of Diverse Data with Fern Halper

Fern Halper, Ph.D., TDWI vice president and senior research director for advanced analytics, discusses the findings from her new Best Practices Report on harnessing the power of diverse data for business growth.

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